Nanotechnology (NT) is the complex interdisciplinary science including nanoscience, nanochemistry, nanophysics, nanomaterials, nanoelectronics, nanometrology, nanobionics, etc. Nanotechnology is a relatively new branch of science that has found a wide range of applications that range from energy production to industrial production processes to biomedical applications. Nanomaterials (NMs) can be engineered to possess unique composition and functionalities, which can provide novel tools and techniques. In this chapter, we aim to discuss the key of many concepts from nanoscale, and nanostructures. Periodical development in nanotechnology and areas of study within nanotechnology have been discussed. The fundamental issues in nanomaterials are considered. We will attempt to correlate the improvements in the material properties that are achieved due to the fine microstructures arising from the size of the grains and/or dimensionality.

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Advanced Structured Materials

Volume 116

Series Editors

Andreas Ö chsner, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Esslingen University of

Applied Sciences, Esslingen, Germany

Lucas F. M. da Silva, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of

Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Holm Altenbach, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,

Otto-von-Guericke-Universitä t Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany

Common engineering materials reach in many applications their limits and new

developments are required to ful l increasing demands on engineering materials.

The performance of materials can be increased by combining different materials to

achieve better properties than a single constituent or by shaping the material or

constituents in a speci c structure. The interaction between material and structure

may arise on different length scales, such as micro-, meso- or macroscale, and offers

possible applications in quite diverse elds.

This book series addresses the fundamental relationship between materials and their

structure on the overall properties (e.g. mechanical, thermal, chemical or magnetic

etc) and applications.

The topics of Advanced Structured Materials include but are not limited to

classical bre-reinforced composites (e.g. glass, carbon or Aramid reinforced


metal matrix composites (MMCs)

micro porous composites

micro channel materials

multilayered materials

cellular materials (e.g., metallic or polymer foams, sponges, hollow sphere


porous materials

truss structures

nanocomposite materials


nanoporous metals


coated materials

smart materials

Advanced Structured Materials is indexed in Google Scholar and Scopus.

More information about this series at

Loutfy H. Madkour

Nanoelectronic Materials

Fundamentals and Applications


Loutfy H. Madkour

Faculty of Science, Chemistry Department

Al Baha University

Baljarashi, Saudi Arabia

ISSN 1869-8433 ISSN 1869-8441 (electronic)

Advanced Structured Materials

ISBN 978-3-030-21620-7 ISBN 978-3-030-21621-4 (eBook)

©Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

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Nanoscience and nanotechnology have become highly popular in the last few years.

The nanoobjects of importance include quantum dots and nanocrystals of metals,

semiconductors, oxides and other materials as well as one-dimensional nanos-

tructures such as nanotubes and nanowires. Synthesis, characterization and appli-

cations of these nanomaterials are being explored widely. Typical of the novel

applications of nanomaterials that are emerging include single molecule electronics

based on nanotubes and nanowires, nanocatalysis and biological sensors using

nanocrystals or nanotubes. One-dimensional nanostructures of materials have

received great attention since the discovery of the carbon nanotubes.

Nanomedicine involves utilization of nanotechnology for the bene t of human

health and well being. The use of nanotechnology in various sectors of therapeutics

has revolutionized the eld of medicine where nanoparticles of dimensions ranging

between 1 100 nm are designed and used for diagnostics, therapeutics and as

biomedical tools for research. It is now possible to provide therapy at a molecular

level with the help of these tools, thus treating the disease and assisting in study

of the pathogenesis of disease.

Nanotechnology is an inherently interdisciplinary eld that has generated sig-

ni cant scienti c and engineering interest in recent years. Nanomaterials can be

found everywhere in nature and have been part of the environment since our planet

was created about 4.5 billion years ago.

The impact of nanotechnology in all areas of science and technology is evident.

Nanotechnology increases the strengths of many materials and devices, as well as

enhances ef ciencies of monitoring devices, remediation of environmental pollution

and renewable energy production. While these are considered as the positive effect

of nanotechnology, there are certain negative impacts of nanotechnology on

environment in many ways, such as increased toxicological pollution on the

environment due to the uncertain shape, size and chemical compositions of some

of the nanotechnology products (or nanomaterials). It can be vital to understand the

risks of using nanomaterials, and cost of the resulting damage. It is required to

conduct a risk assessment and full life-cycle analysis for nanotechnology products

at all stages of products to understand the hazards of nanoproducts and the resultant


knowledge that can then be used to predict the possible positive and negative

impacts of the nanoscale products. Choosing right, less toxic materials (e.g. gra-

phene) will make huge impacts on the environment. This can be very useful for the

training and protection of students, as well as scientists, engineers, policymakers

and regulators working in the eld.

Nanotechnology refers to an emerging eld of science that includes synthesis and

development of various nanomaterials. Presently, different metallic nanomaterials

are being produced using copper, zinc, titanium, magnesium, gold, alginate and

silver. Due to their incredible properties, production of nanomaterials has been

constantly evolving over the last few years for manifold applications in chemical

surface processes, chemical industry, environmental pollution monitoring, agricul-

ture, smart materials, sensors, nanoscale biostructures, energy capture and storage,

magnets, fabrication, electronics, optical and biomedical elds. Nanostructured

materials (NSMs) are divided into nanoparticles (NPs), nanotubes (NTs),

nanocomposites (NCMs) and nanowires (NWs). Nanoparticle technologies have

great potentials, being able to convert poorly soluble, poorly absorbed and labile

biologically active substance into promising deliverable substances. Nanoparticles

are applied as delivery systems, e.g. for drugs or bioactive food ingredients. They are

designed to target drugs to speci c organs or to increase the bioavailability of

bioactive food ingredients that may have a health impact. Nanomedicine has

tremendous prospects for the improvement of the diagnosis and treatment of human

diseases. Use of microbes in biosynthesis of nanoparticles is an environmentally

acceptable procedure. Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology (the

engineering of tiny machines) to the prevention and treatment of disease in the

human body. Nanomaterials can impart antibacterial and anti-odour functionality on

human skin in powder, gel, stick or spray underarm products. It has also antimi-

crobial and anti-irritant properties. This discipline is in its infancy. It has the potential

to change medical science dramatically in the twenty- rst century.

The expanding availability of a variety of nanostructures with properties in the

nanometer size range has sparked widespread interest in their use in biotechno-

logical systems, including the eld of environmental remediation. Nanomaterials

can be used as catalysts, adsorbents, membranes, water disinfectants and additives

to increase catalytic activity and capability due to their high speci c surface areas

and nanosize effects. Thus, nanomaterials appear promising for new effective

environmental technologies. De nitely, nanotechnology applications for site

remediation and wastewater treatment are currently in research and development

stages, and innovations are underway. The synthesis of metallic nanoparticles has

been intensively developed not only due to its fundamental scienti c interest but

also for many technological applications. The use of microorganisms in the syn-

thesis of nanoparticles is a relatively new eco-friendly and promising area of

research with considerable potential for expansion. On the other hand, chemical

synthesis occurs generally under extreme conditions (e.g. pH, temperature) and

chemicals used may have associated environmental and human health impacts. The

use of microorganisms during the biosynthesis of metallic nanoparticles and their

unique properties that make them good candidates for many applications, including

vi Preface

in biotechnology should be considered. Thorough cost-bene t analyses are essential

to further evaluate the applicability of nanotechnology. Economic analyses must

take into consideration the synthesis of nanomaterials, the bene t of application as

well as the cost associated with the potential environmental impacts. Lowcost

nanomaterials should be explored for potential environmental applications.

Nanotechnology based water treatment technologies will only be able to compete

with conventional treatment if the cost of nanomaterials as well as the systems

utilizing nanomaterials becomes comparable. Applications of nanomaterials are

wide eld intervention in industry, environment, medicine and food elds, will save

time and effort, and will be relied upon very dramatically. Environmental impact

can be improved by utilizing nanostructure particulates in corrosion inhibition,

coating and eliminating the requirement of toxic solvents. The application of

nanotechnology in the corrosion protection of metals has recently gained

momentum and is of real promise.

This book in detail explains the classication of environmental nanomaterials

and how to deal with their formation, diffusion, environmental fate and impacts, and

our exposure to them. This book is an overview of current research worldwide on

the classi cation, use and all types of metallic nanomaterials and their unique

properties that make them good candidates for many applications, including nan-

otechnology and nanobiotechnology. Thus, the aim of this book is to summarize the

fundamentals and technical approaches in processing and behaviour of nanostruc-

tured materials to provide the readers systematic, comprehensive and brief infor-

mation in the challenging eld of nanomaterials NMs and nanotechnology.

Therefore, this book is a general introduction for all branches of academic science,

nanoscience, nanochemistry, physical science, nanotechnology, nano-biotechnology,

nanomedicine and in general materials science.

Finally, we would like to thank Editor, all reviewers, and the Editorial Board

Members for their invaluable contributions.

Correspondence: Loutfy H. Madkour, Professor of Physical Chemistry and

Nano Science at Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Al Baha University,

Saudi Arabia (KSA).

Tel. +966 533899075; fax: +966 77247272;

E-mail: ; ; lmadkour@bu.

Baljarashi, Saudi Arabia Loutfy H. Madkour

Preface vii

About This Book

Nanostructured materials (NSM) are divided into nanoparticles (NPs), nanotubes

(NTs), nanocomposites (NCMs) and nanowires (NWs). Nanoparticle technologies

have great potentials, being able to convert poorly soluble, poorly absorbed and

labile biologically active substance into promising deliverable substances. The book

includes 17 chapters and gives emphasis to current classi cation and future trends in

vision of life sciences for processing, techniques, synthesis methods and advanced

applications for nanoelectronic materials and nanodevices in industries and research

laboratory. The nanoobjects of importance include quantum dots and nanocrystals of

metals, semiconductors, oxides and other materials as well as one-dimensional

nanostructures such as NTs and NWs. Nanoelectronics is certainly among the most

vibrant research elds, which is highly pushed by technology industries. The

numerical calculation of the electronic properties and in particular the quantum

transport properties of devices at the nanoscale is considered. Principles of com-

putational simulations devices and characterization of nanoelectronic materials are

discussed. The book precisely has explained the synthesis techniques for the

preparation of low-dimensional nanomaterials including 0D (quantum dot), 1D

(Nanowire, Nanotube) and 2D (Thin lms, few layer) and their potential applications

in nanoelectronic systems. Allotropic forms of elemental carbon nanomaterials

(fullerene, nanodiamond, graphite, carbon nanotubes CNT, graphene) and

two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (2D TMDCs) with their future

applications are discussed. This book has been concerned with the size effects and

going from bulk materials to nanomaterials, electronic properties of nanoscale

devices, different classes of nanomaterials from microelectronics to nanoelectronics

into molecular electronics. Further, the book demonstrates the structural stability,

physical, chemical, magnetic, optical, electrical, thermal, electronic, mechanical

properties of the nanomaterials, physicochemical properties of NPs and gives

aspects of their applications. Characterization, fabrication techniques from lab-scale

to mass-production and functionality of nanomaterials by chemical or defect engi-

neering has been studied. Environmental impact of nanotechnology and novel

applications of NMs, NWs, NTs, NPs and nanodevices in mechanical industries, the

environment, energy harvesting, clean energy, manufacturing materials, electronics,


transistors, health and/or medical therapy are explained. Interfacing biology systems

with nanoelectronics and examples for nanoelectronic cell interfaces of the

advanced medicine therapeutics applications has been discussed.

x About This Book


Today, the feature size of integrated circuits are of the order of 100 nm. In the near

future, this order will most likely approach 10 nm and lead to yet more powerful

computers. Nanomaterials NMs surreptitiously enter the environment through

water, soil, and air during various human activities.

Nanoelectronics is certainly among the most vibrant research elds, which is

highly pushed by technology industries. The numerical calculation of the electronic

properties and in particular the quantum transport properties of devices at the

nanoscale is considered. Principles of computational simulations devices and

characterization of nanoelectronic materials are discussed. This book has been

concerned with the size effects and going from bulk materials to nanomaterials,

electronic properties of nanoscale devices, different classes of nanomaterials from

microelectronics to nanoelectronics into molecular electronics. The electronic

characteristics such as thermal, chemical and mechanical stability of nanomaterials

are investigated. Characterization, fabrication techniques from lab-scale to

mass-production and functionality of nanomaterials by chemical or defect engi-

neering has been studied. The comprehensive description of the family of all

nanomaterials and their applications is considered. The book precisely discusses

about various preparation and synthesis techniques for low-dimensional nanoma-

terials including 0D (quantum dot), 1D (Nanowire, Nanotube) and 2D (Thin lms,

few layer) and their potential applications in nanoelectronic systems. Allotropic

forms of elemental carbon nanomaterials (fullerene, nanodiamond, graphite, carbon

nanotubes CNT, graphene) and two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides

(2D TMDCs) with their applications are discussed. These informations give a clear

vision for synthesis and applications of nanomaterials among the researchers. It is

necessary to handle systems comprising millions of atoms, and this will require new

ef cient algorithms for the most time-consuming stages of the calculations. Further,

the book demonstrates the structural stability, physical, chemical, magnetic, optical,

electrical, thermal, electronic, mechanical properties of the nanomaterials, physic-

ochemical properties of NPs and gives emphasis to applications of them.

Applications and novel applications of NMs, NWs, NTs, NPs and nanodevices in

mechanical industries, the environment, energy harvesting, clean energy,


manufacturing materials, electronics, transistors, health and medical therapy are

discussed through the chapters of the book. Fundamentals of nanoelectronics in

biological system and medicine therapeutics applications are studied.

Besides many positive effects of NMs in industrial and medical applications,

there are certain toxicities and negative impacts associated with using NPs and other

NMs on environment in many ways. It can be vital to understand the risks of using

NMs, and cost of the resulting damage. It is required to conduct a risk assessment

and full life-cycle analysis for NMs at all stages of products to understand the

hazards of nanoproducts and the resultant knowledge that can then be used to

predict the possible positive and negative impacts of the nanoscale products.

Generally, the book gives emphasis to current and future trends in vision of life

sciences for synthesis processing and novel applications of nanoelectronic materials

and nanodevices in industries and research laboratory.

Our recommendation for future work is that different reaction parameters such as

temperature, pressure, time and pH can play important role in controlling the shape

and morphology of the NMs and NPs, so that should be optimized for achieving

speci c characteristic product. Besides this, for good implications and properties

study speci c characterization techniques should be used. More importantly,

environmental issues should be taken into account before using these materials for

any applications, especially in case of heavy metals, which are prone to environ-

mental hazards and can also affect the livings as well.

Keywords Nanotechnology NMs NSs NSMs, NPs NWs NCMs


3-D TMDCs DFT CVD CVC GCP HWCVD Graphene Fullerene





xii Summary

A Look Ahead

Our book is clearly oriented to give a broad introduction to the eld of nanoma-

terials to the topics, classi cation and most basic concepts of nanoscience. Book

involves 17 chapters, which can satisfy many useful criteria: Development in

Nanotechnology; Electronic properties of nanoscale devices; Classes of nanoma-

terials; Microelectronics, nanoelectronics and molecular electronics;

Characterization and fabrication techniques; Classi cation of nanoelectronic

materials; Synthesis techniques of NMs; 0D (quantum dot), 1D (Nanowire,

Nanotube) and 2D (Thin lms, few layer); Properties and physicochemical prop-

erties of NPs; Applications and Novel applications of NMs; Certain toxicities of

NPs; Current and future trends for NMs and nano devices; Fundamentals of

nanoelectronics in biological system; Vision for Life Sciences.

Nanomaterials are all around us, which exist in nature at our life environment.

We begin by the periodical various stages of development in nanotechnology.

Our study of nanostructured materials (NSM) begins with giving a brief of some

de nitions: nanotechnology, nanoscale, nanoscience, nanochemistry, nanoparticles,

nanowires, nanorodes, nano bers and nanotubes with referring to the fundamental

issues in nanomaterials.

During this book, we answered many questions such as:

What is different at the nanoscale?

What is new about nanoscience?

What are nanomaterials NMs?

What are the fundamental issues in nanomaterials?

Where are nanomaterials found?

What nanomaterials exist in nature?

What is the importance of NSMs in our life?

Why is there so much interest in nanomaterials?

What is at nanoscale in nanomaterials?

Why and what is graphene?

Are pure low-dimensional systems interesting and worth pursuing?

Are nanotechnology products available?


What are sensors?

How Arti cial Intelligence (AI) and Nanotechnology do They Work Together?

What are the recent advances in nanoelectronic materials?

What are the novel applications of NMs?

Principles of computational simulations devices and characterization of nano-

electronic materials are explained.

We describe the role of (NSM) in our modern society, by studying the nature,

unique physical properties and its types by giving examples of nanostructured


Next, we build up our vocabulary in learning the role of surfaces and interfaces,

which is the study of a nanostructure, with the diameter of the order of a nanometer



meters). It can also be de ned as the ratio of the length to width being greater

than 1000.

We study in detail allotropic forms of elemental carbon nanomaterials (graphite,

diamond, fullerene, carbon nanotubes and graphene), by giving their industrial


Two-dimentional transition metal dichalcogenides (2D TMDCs), synthesis

methods and properties of 2D nanostructured materials are investigated.

Next, we examine the classi cation of nanomaterials according to Gleiter's

classi cation and dimensionality depending on the number of reduced dimensions,

which usually refers to the number of degrees of freedom in the momentum from

3D to 0D.

Nanowires (NWs) are divided as metallic, semi-conducting, insulating and

molecular, which involves repeating organic or inorganic molecular units.

We learn in detail the physics and ways of processing nanostructured materials,

either by bottom-up and/or top-down approaches as techniques for elaboration and

synthesis of nanostructured materials and nanowires.

We continue our study of physical properties (morphology, lattice parameter and

the phase changes), electronic, magnetic, optical, electrical and mechanical (elas-

ticity, plasticity, dislocations, hardening, twinning, toughness and ductility) prop-

erties of nanomaterials.

We then extend our discussion to the backbone in environmental impact of

nanotechnology research involving classical and kinetic Monte-Carlo methods.

We then become acquainted with some present, future and novel applications of

nanomaterials and nanodevices of nanotechnology for the chemical industry,

environmental pollution monitoring, corrosion protection of metals and the human

health elds, which can be precisely controlled during synthesis, chemical com-

position, length, diameter and doping/electronic properties.

We present a vision for Life Sciences at nanomedicine through interfaces

between nanoelectronic and biological systems.

xiv A Look Ahead

We give conclusion about nanomaterials and nanotechnology, which has been

playing an increasingly important role in supporting innovative technological


With the increasing use of nanomaterials for commercial and industrial purposes,

the debate becomes whether the numerous bene ts of nanoparticles can overcome

the economic costs, environmental impacts and unknown risks resulting from their


The risk assessment of such nanomaterials requires evaluation of their mobility,

reactivity, environmental toxicity and stability. An understanding of the interactions

between nanoparticles and biological systems is of signi cant interest.

To date, few studies have been conducted on the toxic and environmental effects

that result from direct and indirect exposure to nanoparticles, and there are no clear

standards to determine their effects. Lack of technical information in this regard has

provided an appropriate context for supporters and opponents of nanoparticles to

present contradictory and ill-considered results. Such an uncertain atmosphere has

caused increased concerns about the effects of nanoparticles. Therefore, adequate

studies to determine the exact, real risks of the use of nanomaterials are required.

The information resulting from these studies can be useful in minimizing the

environmental hazards that could arise from the use of nanomaterials. Thus, this

book brie y explains the classi cation of environmental nanomaterials and how to

deal with their formation, diffusion, environmental fate and impacts, and our

exposure to them.

Generally, the book gives emphasis to current and future trends in vision of life

sciences for synthesis processing and novel applications of nanoelectronic materials

and nanodevices in industries and research laboratory.

In general, my book has been satisfying the following criteria:

(1) Summarize the fundamentals and technical approaches in processing and

behaviour of nanostructured materials to provide the readers systematic,

comprehensive and brief information in the challenging eld of nanomate-

rials NMs and nanotechnology. Gives a clear vision for the types, classi -

cation, synthesis, properties, applications and novel applications of all types

of nanomaterials among the researchers.

(2) The book has discussed the interfaces between biology systems and nano-

electronics devices by giving some essential applications examples.

(3) The book demonstrates the structural stability, electronic and mechanical

properties of the nanomaterials and gives emphasis to applications of them.

These information give a clear vision for synthesis and applications of

nanomaterials among the researchers.

(4) The book discussed various preparation techniques for low dimensional nano

materials including 0D (quantum dot), 1D (Nanowire, Nanotube) and 2D

(Thin lms, few layer) and their potential application in nanoelectronic

system. The book deals with the different techniques of synthesis of quantum

A Look Ahead xv

well, quantum wire and quantum dot materials. Mechanism of the various


(5) The book gives the structural stability, electronic and mechanical properties

of these materials and gives emphasis to applications of nanomaterials.

(6) Allotropic forms of elemental carbon nanomaterials (fullerene, nanodia-

mond, graphite, carbon nanotubes CNT, graphene) and two-dimensional

transition metal dichalcogenides (2D TMDCs) with their applications are

discussed in details. It gives examples of nanomaterials with various


(7) The book gives the numerical calculation of the electronic properties and in

particular the quantum transport properties of devices at the nanoscale.

(8) This book has been concerned with the size effects and going from bulk

materials to nanomaterials, electronic properties of nanoscale devices, dif-

ferent classes of nanomaterials and their electronic characteristics, thermal,

chemical and mechanical stability of nanomaterials. Characterization and

fabrication techniques from lab-scale to mass-production and functionality of

nanomaterials by chemical or defect engineering.

(9) The book demonstrates the structural stability, physical, chemical, magnetic,

optical, electrical, thermal, electronic, mechanical properties of nanomateri-

als and physicochemical properties of NPs.

(10) The book gives emphasis to present and future novel applications of nano-

materials and nanodevices in industries and research laboratory.

(11) The book demonstrates and gives a clear vision for synthesis and applica-

tions of nanomaterials among the researchers. It is necessary to handle

systems comprising millions of atoms, and this will require new efcient

algorithms for the most time-consuming stages of the calculations.

(12) The book discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using nanomateri-

als; there are certain toxicities which are associated with NPs and other

nanomaterials and basic knowledge is required for these toxic effects to

encounter them properly.

(13) The book has answered about almost many essential and important questions

throughout its 17 chapters contained for all various classes of nanomaterials.

(14) Generally, the book gives emphasis to current and future trends to vision for

life sciences of synthesis processing and novel applications of nanomaterials

and nanodevices in industries and research laboratory. It is considered

actually as an essential reference for Nanoelectronic Materials: Fundamentals

and Applications.

xvi A Look Ahead


1 Introduction to Nanotechnology (NT) and Nanomaterials

(NMs) ............................................... 1

1.1 Nanotechnology Debate ............................. 2

1.2 Nanomaterials (NMs) .............................. 18

1.2.1 What Are the Fundamental Issues in

Nanomaterials? ............................ 18

1.2.2 Nano Scale and Nanostructures ................ 21

1.2.3 Nanostructured Materials ..................... 24

1.3 The Nanoworld ................................... 26

1.4 Atoms, Clusters and Nanograins ...................... 30

1.5 What Is Different at the Nanoscale? .................... 33

1.6 History of Nanomaterials ............................ 39

References ............................................ 44

2 Principles of Computational Simulations Devices and

Characterization of Nanoelectronic Materials ................. 49

2.1 Charged Particle Single Nanometre Manufacturing ......... 50

2.2 Exotic Effects and Potential .......................... 52

2.3 Preliminary Concepts: Elements from Solid State Physics .... 53

2.4 Computing Electronic Transport ....................... 53

2.4.1 Electronic Structure Calculations ............... 53

2.4.2 Density-Functional Theory ................... 54

2.4.3 Another Three Alternate Approaches Are ......... 55

2.5 Basics of DFT and Methodology ...................... 62

2.6 Characterization of Nanomaterials ..................... 65

2.6.1 Morphological Characterizations ............... 66

2.6.2 Structural Characterizations ................... 67

2.6.3 Particle Size and Surface Area Characterization .... 70

2.6.4 Optical Characterizations ..................... 70


2.7 Characterization Techniques .......................... 72

2.7.1 Microscopy Techniques for 2D Materials ......... 72

2.7.2 Raman Spectroscopy ........................ 76

2.7.3 Photoluminescence (PL) Spectroscopy ........... 78

2.7.4 X-Ray Diffraction .......................... 79

2.7.5 Characterization Possibilities .................. 81

References ............................................ 81

3 Where Are Nanomaterials (Nms) Found? .................... 91

3.1 Nanoparticles Are All Around Us ..................... 91

3.2 What Nanomaterials Exist in Nature? ................... 98

3.3 Environmental Nanoparticles and Colloids ............... 98

3.4 Humic Substances ................................. 98

3.5 Volcanic Ashes ................................... 98

3.6 Desert Sources of Nanoparticles ....................... 99

3.7 Biological Nanoparticles ............................ 100

References ............................................ 100

4 Bene ts of Nanomaterials and Nanowire Geometry ............ 101

4.1 The Nanobulk Stage (10 15 Years) .................... 101

4.2 Advances of Nanomaterials (NMs) ..................... 102

4.3 The Nanoworld Stage (15 40 Years) ................... 102

4.4 NMs Enhanced Surface Plasmon Resonance for Biological

and Chemical Sensing Applications .................... 103

4.5 Bene ts of the Nanowire Geometry .................... 108

4.5.1 Absorption ............................... 108

4.5.2 Exciton Formation ......................... 111

4.5.3 Charge Separation .......................... 112

4.5.4 Carrier Collection .......................... 112

4.5.5 Cost .................................... 116

4.6 Disadvantages of Nanomaterials (NMs) ................. 116

References ............................................ 119

5 Why So Much Interest in Nanomaterials (NMs)? .............. 123

5.1 Recent Advances of Nanostructured Materials ............ 124

5.2 New Properties Can Be Created ....................... 124

5.3 Some Present and Future Applications of Nanomaterials ..... 125

5.3.1 Applications of Nanowires ................... 126

5.4 Engineered Nanoparticles Change Shape in Soil

and Groundwater .................................. 127

5.5 Applications of Field-Effect Transistors (FET) ............ 132

5.6 Fabrication of 1-D Nanostructures ..................... 132

5.6.1 Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) ................... 133

5.6.2 Silicon Nanowires (SiNWs) ................... 133

xviii Contents

5.6.3 SiONWs Are Interest in SNOM and Integrated

Optics .................................. 134

5.6.4 Conducting Polymer Nanowires (CP NWs) ....... 136

References ............................................ 139

6 Examples of Nanomaterials with Various Morphologies ......... 141

6.1 Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) ........................... 142

6.2 Nanoparticles .................................... 143

6.2.1 Classi cation of NPs ........................ 144

6.3 Other Application Examples of Nanoparticles are .......... 149

6.4 Quantum Dots ................................... 149

6.5 Nanoshell ....................................... 152

6.6 Metal Rubber .................................... 153

6.7 Nanopores ...................................... 154

6.8 Nanoparticles with Different Morphologies ............... 155

6.8.1 Example of a Phase Contrast .................. 161

6.8.2 Summary of Different Shapes for Various Metal

Nanocrystals .............................. 162

References ............................................ 163

7 Carbon Nanomaterials and Two-Dimensional Transition

Metal Dichalcogenides (2D TMDCs) ........................ 165

7.1 Classi cation of 2D Materials ........................ 168

7.1.1 Layered van der Waals Solids ................. 168

7.1.2 Layered Ionic Solids ........................ 169

7.1.3 Surface Assisted Nonlayered Solids ............. 169

7.2 2D Materials, Their Properties, and Applications ........... 169

7.3 Crystal Structure of 2D Materials ...................... 176

7.4 Electronic, Optical, and Mechanical Properties of 2D

Materials ....................................... 178

7.5 2D van der Waals Heterostructures .................... 181

7.6 Fabrication of 2D Heterostructures ..................... 185

7.6.1 Heterostructures by Manual Stacking ............ 185

7.6.2 Direct Synthesis of 2D Heterostructures .......... 187

7.7 2D Heterostructures and Their Applications .............. 189

7.7.1 Biosensor ................................ 191

7.7.2 Solar Cells (Photovoltaic) .................... 193

7.7.3 Field Effect Transistors (FET) ................. 195

7.7.4 Photodetector ............................. 197

7.7.5 Thermoelectric Devices ...................... 199

7.8 Fullerenes Molecules ............................... 200

7.9 Diamond Molecules ............................... 203

7.10 Carbon Nanotubes (Carbon-Based NPs) ................. 204

7.11 Graphene Background .............................. 211

7.12 Potential Applications of Graphene .................... 217

Contents xix

7.12.1 Solar Cells/Photovoltaics ..................... 220

7.12.2 Semiconductors ........................... 221

7.12.3 Water Filtration ........................... 222

7.12.4 Superconductivity .......................... 223

7.12.5 The Latest Developments Graphene

Supercapacitors ............................ 223

7.13 Applications of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) ............... 225

7.13.1 Carbon Nanotubes and Electronics .............. 227

7.13.2 Carbon Nanotubes and Energy ................ 227

7.13.3 Carbon Nanotubes in Healthcare ............... 227

7.13.4 Carbon Nanotubes and the Environment ......... 228

7.14 The Future of Graphene Research ..................... 228

References ............................................ 234

8 Nanoelectronics and Role of Surfaces Interfaces ............... 247

8.1 The Development of Microelectronics .................. 247

8.2 The Region of Nanostructures ........................ 248

8.3 Crystal Structure and Dense Planes .................... 249

8.4 The Surface Energy c .............................. 251

8.5 Transistor Scaling ................................. 253

8.5.1 Single-Electron Transistor (SET) ............... 256

8.6 Molecular Electronics .............................. 260

8.7 Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) ................ 260

References ............................................ 266

9 Classi cation of Nanostructured Materials ................... 269

9.1 Glitter' s Classi cation of Nanostructured Materials (NSM) ... 273

9.2 Classi cation of Nanomaterials by Dimensionality ......... 277

9.3 Some Classi cations De nitions ...................... 281

9.3.1 Nanostructures (NSs) ....................... 281

9.3.2 Nanostructured Materials (NSMs) .............. 281

9.3.3 Nanocomposites (NCMs) .................... 281

9.4 Elementary Building Units (Nanostructures) .............. 282

9.5 Quantum Con nement from 3D to 0D .................. 282

9.5.1 Physical and Chemical Nature of Nanoparticles .... 288

9.6 Matrix-Reinforced and Layered Nanocomposites ........... 291

9.6.1 Microcrystal Matrix (Micro-Nano Type) .......... 292

9.6.2 Nanocrystal Matrix (Nanocomposites) ........... 292

9.7 Nanowires (NWs) ................................. 292

9.7.1 Unique Applications of Nanowires ............. 296

9.7.2 Different Types of Nanowires ................. 297

9.7.3 Basic Growth Mechanism .................... 297

9.7.4 Why Study Nanowires? ...................... 300

9.7.5 Types of Nanowires (NWs) ................... 306

References ............................................ 306

xx Contents

10 Processing of Nanomaterials (NMs) ........................ 309

10.1 Top-Down Approaches ............................. 314

10.1.1 Ball Milling: Mechanical Crushing of Solids

into Nanocrystallites ........................ 316

10.1.2 Photolithography ........................... 317

10.1.3 Gas Phase Processes ........................ 319

10.2 Bottom-Up Approach .............................. 319

10.2.1 Gas Phase Processes ........................ 321

10.2.2 Liquid Phase Processes: Sol-Gel Process ......... 324

10.2.3 Liquid Phase Processes: Synthesis of Metal

Nanoparticles ............................. 327

10.2.4 Material Synthesis ......................... 335

10.3 Two Approaches with the Same Goal .................. 339

10.4 Methods for Creating Nanostructures ................... 340

10.4.1 Mechanical Grinding ........................ 340

10.4.2 Wet Chemical Synthesis of Nanomaterials ........ 342

10.4.3 Gas Phase Synthesis of Nanomaterials ........... 344

10.4.4 Sputtered Plasma Processing .................. 351

10.4.5 Particle Precipitation Aided ................... 352

10.4.6 Laser Ablation ............................ 352

References ............................................ 353

11 Techniques for Elaboration of Nanomaterials ................. 355

11.1 Vapor-Phase Synthesis ............................. 357

11.1.1 Gas-Vapor Deposition ....................... 359

11.1.2 Plasma-Based Synthesis ..................... 359

11.1.3 Molecular Beam Epitaxy ..................... 361

11.1.4 Inert Gas Condensation ...................... 362

11.1.5 Flame Pyrolysis ........................... 363

11.2 Liquid Phase Synthesis ............................. 364

11.2.1 Colloidal Methods ......................... 364

11.2.2 Solution Precipitation ....................... 365

11.2.3 Electrodeposition .......................... 365

11.3 Sol Gel Technique ................................ 367

11.3.1 Sol Gel Process ........................... 369

11.3.2 Sol Gel Coating Processes ................... 371

11.3.3 Reverse Micelles as Nanoreactors .............. 374

11.3.4 Sol Gel Applications ....................... 375

11.4 Solid-State Phase Synthesis .......................... 375

11.4.1 Mechanical Milling, Attrition and Alloying ....... 376

11.4.2 Severe Plastic Deformation ................... 379

Contents xxi

11.5 Other Methods ................................... 382

11.6 Consolidation of Nanopowders ....................... 383

11.6.1 Sintering of Nanoparticles .................... 384

11.6.2 Non-conventional Processing .................. 387

References ............................................ 391

12 Synthesis Methods For 2D Nanostructured Materials,

Nanoparticles (NPs), Nanotubes (NTs) and Nanowires (NWs) ..... 393

12.1 Synthesis Methods for 2D Materials .................... 393

12.1.1 Micromechanical Exfoliation Using Scotch Tape ... 394

12.1.2 Liquid Exfoliation .......................... 394

12.1.3 Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) ............. 397

12.1.4 Van der Waal Epitaxial Growth on Substrate ...... 398

12.1.5 Hydrothermal Synthesis ..................... 401

12.2 Synthesis Methods of Nanoparticles NPs ................ 403

12.2.1 Top-Down Syntheses ....................... 404

12.2.2 Bottom-Up Syntheses ....................... 405

12.3 Synthesis Methods of Nanotubes (NTs) ................. 409

12.3.1 Arc Discharge ............................ 409

12.3.2 Laser Ablation for Production of SWNTs ......... 410

12.3.3 Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) ............ 410

12.3.4 Flame Synthesis ........................... 411

12.4 Synthesis Methods of Nanowires NWs .................. 413

12.4.1 Lithography (Top-Down) .................... 415

12.4.2 Spontaneous Growth ........................ 417

12.4.3 Template-Based Synthesis .................... 436

12.4.4 Electro-spinning ........................... 450

References ............................................ 451

13 Chemistry and Physics for Nanostructures Semiconductivity ..... 457

13.1 Conductivity of Nanowires NWs ...................... 459

13.2 Welding Nanowires ................................ 461

13.3 Silicon-Germanium Nanowires SiGe NWs ............... 462

13.4 Growth Techniques, Morphology, and Structural Properties

of SiGe NWs .................................... 464

13.4.1 Alloyed Nanowires ......................... 464

13.4.2 Axial Heterostructures ....................... 466

13.4.3 Radial Heterostructures ...................... 467

13.5 Chemical and Physical Properties of Nanowires ........... 468

13.5.1 Electronic Properties ........................ 468

13.5.2 Thermal and Thermoelectric Properties .......... 470

13.6 Theoretical Modeling .............................. 471

13.6.1 Electronic Structure ......................... 471

13.6.2 Phonons and Thermal Conductivity ............. 473

References ............................................ 475

xxii Contents

Contents xxiii

14 Properties of Nanostructured Materials (NSMs) and

Physicochemical Properties of (NPs) ........................ 479

14.1 Properties of Nanoscale Matter ....................... 480

14.2 Nanoscale Materials Show Quantum Con nement Effects .... 480

14.2.1 Nanoscale Luminescent Materials Are Mostly Less

Ef cient Than Microscale Materials ............. 482

14.2.2 CdSe Nanocrystals ......................... 483

14.3 The Physical Properties of Nanoclusters ................. 487

14.3.1 The Morphology ........................... 487

14.3.2 The Lattice Parameter ....................... 491

14.3.3 The Phase Changes ......................... 493

14.4 The Electronic Properties ............................ 500

14.5 The Magnetic Properties and Classi cations of Magnetic

Nanomaterials .................................... 510

14.6 The Optical Properties .............................. 518

14.7 The Electrical Properties ............................ 526

14.8 The Mechanical Properties of Nanomaterials .............. 531

14.8.1 Elasticity, Plasticity, Dislocations, Hardening,

Twinning, Toughness ..................... 533

14.8.2 The Role of Grain Boundaries ................. 542

14.8.3 Hardness, Ductility, Toughness of Nanomaterials ... 543

14.9 Thermal Properties of NSMs ......................... 557

14.10 Chemical Properties of NSMs ........................ 559

14.11 Physicochem ical Properties of NPs ..................... 560

14.11.1 Electronic and Optical Properties ............... 560

14.11.2 Magnetic Properties ........................ 561

14.11.3 Mechanical Properties ....................... 561

14.11.4 Thermal Properties ......................... 563

References ............................................ 563

15 Applications of Nanomaterials and Nanoparticles .............. 565

15.1 Applications of NMs in Mechanical Industries ............ 565

15.1.1 Functional Coatings and Layers ................ 568

15.1.2 MR Contrast Enhancement and Hyperthermia ..... 574

15.2 Applications of NMs in Health and Medical Therapy ....... 575

15.3 Applications in Manufacturing and Materials ............. 583

15.4 Applications in the Environment ...................... 583

15.5 Applications in the Electronics ........................ 586

15.6 Applications in Energy Harvesting ..................... 587

15.7 Current and Future Trends ........................... 589

15.8 Examples of Nanomaterials' Applications ................ 589

15.8.1 Fuel Cells................................ 589

15.8.2 Catalysis ................................ 591

15.8.3 Phosphors for High-De nition TV .............. 592

15.8.4 Next-Generation Computer Chips .............. 593

xxiv Contents

15.8.5 Elimination of Pollutants ..................... 593

15.8.6 Sun-Screen Lotion ......................... 594

15.8.7 Sensors ................................. 594

15.8.8 Tools ................................... 595

15.8.9 Nanomedicine ............................. 595

15.8.10 Paint, Ink ................................ 596

15.8.11 Nanoinclusions ............................ 597

15.8.12 Deodorant/Antiperspirant (Shaving/Depilatory

Products) ................................ 598

References ............................................ 599

16 Environmental Impact of Nanotechnology and Novel

Applications of Nano Materials and Nano Devices ............. 605

16.1 From Microelectronics to Nanoelectronics and Molecular

Electronics ...................................... 607

16.2 Nano in Energy and Clean Energy ..................... 610

16.3 The Environmental Impact of Nanotechnology ............ 617

16.3.1 Positive Impacts ........................... 618

16.3.2 Negative Impacts .......................... 619

16.3.3 Green Technology ......................... 619

16.4 AI and Nanotechnology How Do They Work Together? ..... 619

16.4.1 Microscopy .............................. 620

16.4.2 Chemical Modelling ........................ 621

16.4.3 Nanocomputing ........................... 621

16.5 Novel Nanotubes and Encapsulated Nanowires ............ 622

16.5.1 Carbon Nanotube Sensors Applications and

Advantages .............................. 623

16.5.2 Carbon Nanotube Optics and Their Uses ......... 626

16.5.3 Graphene as a Renewable Energy .............. 628

16.6 Novel Applications of Nanowires and Nanotubes .......... 630

16.6.1 Novel Photodetectors ....................... 631

16.6.2 White Light-Emitting Diodes .................. 632

16.6.3 Nanowire Applications in Electronics ............ 633

16.6.4 Devices and Applications of SiGe

Nanostructures ............................ 634

16.6.5 High-Performance Nanoelectronic Components .... 635

16.6.6 Si

1 X



Alloy Nanowire Transistor ............ 635

16.6.7 Si-Shell Ge-Core Nanowire Transistor ........... 635

16.6.8 From Quantum Transport to Superconductivity:

SiGe Nanowires as Platforms for Fundamental

Physics Studies ............................ 635

16.7 Nanowire-Based Transistors (Nanotube Field-Effect

Transistor) ...................................... 636

16.7.1 Nanowire Based Field Effect Transistors ......... 637

16.7.2 Sensing of Proteins and Chemicals Using

Semiconductor Nanowires .................... 638

Contents xxv

16.7.3 Limitations of Sensing with Silicon Nanowire FET

Devices ................................. 639

16.7.4 Field Emitting Transistor (FET) Based on C-NTs ... 639

16.7.5 Logical Circuits ........................... 642

16.7.6 Voltage Inverter ........................... 642

16.7.7 Chips with Logical Elements .................. 642

16.8 Sensing Devices .................................. 645

16.9 Racetrack Memory ................................ 646

16.10 Nanowire-Based Metamaterials ....................... 651

16.11 Indicators and Flat Displays .......................... 653

16.11.1 Thermometer ............................. 655

16.12 Nanowire Photovoltaics ............................. 655

16.12.1 Silicon Nanowire Based Solar Cells and Anodes

for Li-Ion Batteries ......................... 657

16.12.2 Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells ................... 658

16.13 Nanowires and Nano-Composite as Corrosion Inhibitors ..... 660

16.13.1 Corrosion Resistant of ZnO Nanowires

Coatings ................................. 662

16.13.2 Corrosion Resistance of Nanoparticle

Incorporated Nano Coatings .................. 665

16.13.3 Novel Advantage of Nano-Coatings ............. 666

16.13.4 Nanoparticle Based Coatings for Magnesium

Alloys with Thermal and Mechanical Stability ..... 666

16.13.5 Corrosion Resistant Zeolite Coatings ............ 667

16.13.6 Epoxy Coatings-In uence of Nanoparticles

on the Anti-corrosion and Mechanical Properties

of Epoxy Coatings ......................... 671

16.13.7 Nano Particle Incorporated Self-cleaning Paints

and Biocidal Coatings ....................... 672

16.13.8 Nanoparticle Based Antimicrobial Corrosion

Coatings ................................. 673

16.14 Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors

(SNSPDs) ....................................... 675

16.14.1 Origins of Device Concept ................... 676

16.14.2 SNSPD Device Physics ...................... 678

16.14.3 Evolution of SNSPD Devices ................. 680

16.14.4 Noise Mechanisms in SNSPDs: Dark Counts

and Timing Jitter .......................... 680

16.14.5 Cooling, Optical Coupling and Device Readout .... 683

16.15 Superconducting Nanowire Photodetector Arrays .......... 685

16.15.1 Theory of Operation ........................ 686

16.15.2 Example Applications of the SNPD Array

Include .................................. 687

References ............................................ 688

17 Interfacing Biology Systems with Nanoelectronics for

Nanodevices .......................................... 701

17.1 Nanoelectronic-Biological Interfaces Enable .............. 701

17.2 Molecular Biomimetic: Nanotechnology Through Biology .... 704

17.3 Fundamentals of NanoFET in Biology and Medicine ....... 709

17.3.1 Chemical Synthesis of NanoFETs .............. 710

17.4 Multiplexed Extracellular Electrical Recording ............ 712

17.4.1 Electrical Interfacing with Cultured Neurons ...... 713

17.4.2 Recording from Cardiomyocyte Monolayers ....... 714

17.4.3 Recording from Tissues and Organs ............. 714

17.4.4 Challenges and Promises ..................... 715

17.5 Intracellular Electrical Recording ...................... 715

17.5.1 Designs and Implementation of Intracellular

NanoFET Probes .......................... 718

17.5.2 Challenges and Promises ..................... 719

17.6 Nanoelectronics Innervated Synthetic Tissues ............. 720

17.6.1 A New Concept of Merging Electronics

with Cellular Systems ....................... 722

17.6.2 Designs and Preparation of Synthetic Tissues ...... 722

17.6.3 Challenges and Promises ..................... 724

17.7 Application Areas of Biosensors and -Assays ............. 724

17.8 Selection of Inorganic-Binding Proteins Through Display

Technologies .................................... 729

17.8.1 Overview on Nanowire Fabrication ............. 732

17.8.2 Bio-nanowire Device Interface ................. 733

17.8.3 Nanowire Nanosensors: Beginning .............. 734

17.8.4 Multiplexed Cancer Marker Detection ........... 735

17.8.5 Undiluted Blood Serum Analysis ............... 737

17.8.6 Nanoelectronic-Cell Interfaces ................. 737

17.9 Nanowire Piezoelectric Nanogenerators on Plastic Substrates

as Flexible Power Sources for Nanodevices .............. 738

17.10 Future Vision for Life Sciences ....................... 746

References ............................................ 750

Future Perspectives ........................................... 761

Conclusions ................................................. 765

Bibliography ................................................ 769

xxvi Contents

About the Author

Prof. LOUTFY H. MADKOUR: (Egyptian) has been a Professor of Physical

Chemistry and Nano Science at Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science and

Arts, Al Baha University, Baljarashi, 65635, Saudi Arabia (KSA), since 2012 till


Scopus Author ID: Author ID: 57201889680


He received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the Cairo, Minia and Tanta

Universities of the AR Egypt, respectively in Physical Chemistry. He worked as a

lecturer in chemistry at the Tanta University since 1982 and as a professor of

physical chemistry in 1999. He has conducted a series of studies in the eld of


physical chemistry, electrochemistry, corrosion science, density functional theory,

molecular dynamic simulation, quantum, theoretical chemistry, chemical equal-

ization principles, nanoscience, nanotechnology, nanomedicine, electrometallurgy,

electroanalytical chemistry, analytical chemistry, polarography, electrolytic

extraction of heavy metals from natural ores and deposits, electrochemical ther-

modynamics and environmental chemistry. His earlier research accomplishments

include Biosynthesis of Metallic Nanoparticles (MNPs)s and toxicology studies for

Pharmacological applications in medicine and therapy. He has published 150

peer-reviewed original research articles, 11 review articles, and 4 books in the area

of physical chemistry, practical and applied chemistry, corrosion science,

nanoscience and nanomedicine. He is serving in different positions in Egypt,

Kuwait, Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

He is appointed as the prestigious Editorial Board member of several interna-

tional journals such as: International Journal of Industrial Chemistry (IJIC)

Published by the SPRINGER; International Journal of Ground Sediment & Water;

E-Cronicon Chemistry (EC Chemistry); BAOJ Chemistry; Global Drugs and

Therapeutics (GDT); Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science (ISSN 2572-7761)

journal; Journal of Targeted Drug Delivery. UNIQUE PUB INTERNATIONAL

UPI Journal of Pharmaceutical, Medical and Health Sciences; and Global Journal of

Nanomedicine (GJN) ISSN: 2573-2374; Research and Reviews in Computational

Chemistry Journal and Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences-current research

(JPSCR) in the area of Pharmaceutical, Pharmacology, Journal of Pharmacology &

Pharmaceutical Research (JPPR); Archives of Pharmacy & Pharmacology Research

journal- APPR and Drug Designing & Development (NAPDD) website; the

Pharmaceutical Sciences & Analytical Research Journal (PSARJ); Nanotechnology

& Applications (NTA); the Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Research; The

Laboratory Medicine Journal; Journal Drug Design Development &

Therapy MEDCRAVEONLINE.COM MOJDDT; Journal of Pharmacy and Drug

Development. E Scienti c Publishers and ADVANCES AND APPLICATIONS

OF PHARMACY Journal published online by MDPI quarterly. He has joined as an

Editorial Board member in Journal of Clinical and Medical Research; International

Journal of Environmental Chemistry, Science PG Publishing Group and LOJ

Pharmacology & Clinical Research (LOJPCR) website.

He is a Reviewer for many international Elsevier and Springer journals. He is a

member for many interested international societies, including American

Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), European Desalination

Society (EDS), Egyptian Chemical Society (ECS), Egyptian Corrosion Bulletin

Society and American Chemical Society (ACS).

E-mail address:;;lmadk-

*Corresponding author . Tel. +966 533899075; fax: +966 77247272 Saudi

Arabia (KSA)

xxviii About the Author

Editorial Board Member by Author

[1] International Journal of Industrial Chemistry (IJIC) Published by the Springer.


[2] International Journal of Ground Sediment & Water.

[3] Research and Reviews in Computational Chemistry.

[4] Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Current Research (JPSCR).

[5] Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Research (JPPR).


[6] E-Cronicon Chemistry (EC Chemistry).

[7] BAOJ Chemistry.

[8] Global Drugs and Therapeutics (GDT).

[9] Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science (ISSN 2572-7761) journal.

[10] Journal of Targeted Drug Delivery.

[11] He is appointed as the prestigious editorial board member of UPI Journal of

Pharmaceutical, Medical and Health Sciences.


[12] He has joined as an Editorial Board member in Global Journal of

Nanomedicine (GJN) ISSN: 2573-2374. Published by Insights in Mining Science &

Technology (IMST).

[13] He is appointed as an Editorial panel member for Archives of Pharmacy &

Pharmacology Research journal - APPR.

[14] He is joined as the editorial board member/reviewer of Science Journal of


About the Author xxix

[15] He has recognized under " Quarterly Franklin Membership" (Membership

ID#EI15469) in international, peer-reviewed, refereed journal, London Journal of

Research in Science: Natural and Formal (LJRS).

1210th, Arlington Business Park, Theale, United Kingdom.

[16] He has joined as an Editorial Board Member of journal entitled " Chemical &

Pharmaceutical Research".

[17] He has joined as an Editorial Board member in Drug Designing &

Development (NAPDD) website.

[18] He has uploaded as an Editorial Board member for the Pharmaceutical

Sciences & Analytical Research Journal (PSARJ).

[19] Editor for Book: Corrosion Science: Theoretical and Practical Applications:

Pub Date: December 2017 Hard ISBN: 9781771886024.

Published by Apple Academic Press, Inc. is an independent international publisher

focusing on academic and professional books in STEM and other elds. With a

focus on relevant content as well as rst-class production, Apple Academic Press is

dedicated to publishing cutting-edge, informative books written and edited by

internationally renowned experts in their elds.


[20] He has joined as an Editorial Board member in Nanotechnology &

Applications Journal (NTA).

[21] He has uploaded as an Editorial Board member for the Clinical Pharmacology

and Toxicology Research.


[22] He has joined as an Editorial Board member in The Laboratory Medicine


[23] He has joined as an Honorable Editor for MOJ Drug Design Development &

Therapy Journal Drug Design Development & Therapy.

[24] He has uploaded as an Editorial Board member for the Journal of Pharmacy

and Drug Development. E Scienti c Publishers. Is an Open Access Publication that

aims to publish Scholarly Articles pertaining to research of Pharmacy and drug



xxx About the Author

[25] He has joined as an Editorial Board member in Advances and Applications of

Pharmacy Journal published online by MDPI quarterly.


[26] He has joined as an Editorial Board member in Journal of Clinical and Medical


[27] He has been appointed as the editorial board member of International Journal

of Environmental Chemistry, Science PG Publishing Group.

[28] He has been uploaded as the Editorial Board member in LOJ Pharmacology &

Clinical Research (LOJPCR) website.


Recent Published Research Articles by Author

[1] Loutfy H. Madkour. Cytotoxic Mechanisms of Heavy Metals Exposure Induced

Oxidative DNA Damage and the Site of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)

Production. Global Drugs and Therapeutics (2019) (in press).

[2] Loutfy H. Madkour. Nanoelectronics Applications of Biosensors in

Macromolecules Living Organisms Cells. International Journal of Research Studies

in Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 6, Issue 4 (2019), pp. 2343.

[3] Loutfy H. Madkour. Nanoparticles as Targeted Drug Co-Delivery in Cancer

Therapeutics. Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2

(2019), pp. 800804.

[4] Loutfy H. Madkour. Ecotoxicology-Nanotoxicology and Reactive Oxygen

Species (ROS) Stress Combination of Free Radicals and Nanoparticles towards

Antioxidant Defense Therapeutics. Journal of Targeted Drug Delivery, J Target

Drug Deliv. Volume 3(1) (2019), pp. 158.

[5] Yue Xu, Shengtao Zhang, Wenpo Li, Lei Guo, Shenying Xu, Li Feng, Loutfy H.

Madkour. Experimental and theoretical investigations of some pyrazolo-pyrimidine

derivatives as corrosion inhibitors on copper in sulfuric acid solution. Applied

Surface Science, Volume 459, 30 November (2018), pp. 612620.

About the Author xxxi

xxxii About the Author

[6] Lei Guo, Min Wu, Savaş Kaya, Meihang Chen, and Loutfy H. Madkour.

In uence of the alkyl chain length of alkyltriazoles on the corrosion inhibition of

iron: A DFTB study. AIP Conference Proceedings 1995, 020015 (2018).

[7] Li Feng, Shengtao Zhang, Yujie Qiang, Yue Xu, Lei Guo, Loutfy H. Madkour,

and Shijin Chen. Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Thiazolyl Blue as a

Corrosion Inhibitor for Copper in Neutral Sodium Chloride Solution. Materials

(Basel) ( 2018) Jun; 11(6): 1042. Published online (2018) Jun 19.


[8] Y. Xu, S. Zhang, L. Guo, B. Tan, C. Liao, Y. Zhou, and Loutfy H. Madkour.

Halogen-substituted pyrazolo-pyrimidine derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for

copper in sulfuric acid solution. Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib. (2018), 7(2) 236 249.



[9] Loutfy H. Madkour, Savaş Kaya, Lei Guo, Cemal Kaya. Quantum chemical

calculations, molecular dynamic (MD) simulations and experimental studies of

using some azo dyes as corrosion inhibitors for iron. Part 2: Bis azo dye deriva-

tives. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1163 (2018), 397417.


[10] Loutfy H. Madkour, Savaş Kaya, Ime Bassey Obot. Computational, Monte

Carlo simulation and experimental studies of some arylazotriazoles (AATR) and

their copper complexes in corrosion inhibition process. Journal of Molecular

Liquids, 260 (2018) 351374.

[11] Lei Guo, Ying Gao, Yongxian Xu, Renhui Zhang, Loutfy H. Madkour, and

Yingchang Yang. Understanding the corrosion behavior of amorphous

multiple-layer carbon coating. Advances in Materials, Machinery, Electronics II:

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Materials,

Machinery, Electronics (AMME 2018), Volume number: 1955 Published: Apr 18,

2018. AIP Conference Proceedings 1955, 020001 (2018).

[12] Loutfy H. Madkour. Applications of gold nanoparticles in medicine and

therapy. Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal (2018); 6(3) 157174.

[13] Loutfy H. Madkour. Toxic Effects of Environmental Heavy Metals on

Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Heart Health Function: Chelation

Therapeutics. UPI Journal of Pharmaceutical, Medical and Health Sciences

(UPI JPMHS) (2018); 1(1) 1962.


[14] Loutfy H. Madkour. Biogenic Biosynthesis Metallic Nanoparticles (MNPs)

for Pharmacological, Biomedical and Environmental Nanobiotechnological

Applications. Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1

(2018), pp. 384444.

[15] Loutfy H. Madkour. Ecofriendly green biosynthesized of metallic nanoparticles:

Bio-reduction mechanism, characterization and pharmaceutical applications in

biotechnology industry. Global Drugs and Therapeutics (2018), Volume 3 (1): 111.



[16] Loutfy H. Madkour. Review Article : Advanced AuNMs as nanomedicine's

central goals capable of active targeting in both imaging and therapy in biomole-

cules. Global Drugs and Therapeutics (2017), Volume 2(6): 112.


[17] Loutfy H. Madkour. Biotechnology of Nucleic Acids Medicines as Gene

Therapeutics and Their Drug Complexes. Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science

Journal, Volume 1, Issue 4 (2017), pp. 204 253.

[18] Loutfy H. Madkour. Advanced AuNMs as Nanomedicine' s central Goals

Capable of Active Targeting in Both Imaging and Therapy in Biomolecules. Bio

Accent Online BAOJ Nanotechnology, (2017), Volume 3, Issue 1, 015, 118.

[19] Loutfy H. Madkour. Vision for life sciences: interfaces between nanoelectronic

and biological systems. Global Drugs and Therapeutics, 2(4), (2017), 14.


About the Author xxxiii

[20] Loutfy H. Madkour, Savaş Kaya, Cemal Kaya, Lei Guo. Quantum chemical

calculations, molecular dynamics simulation and experimental studies of using

some azo dyes as corrosion inhibitors for iron. Part 1: Mono-azo dye derivatives.

Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 68, (2016), 461480.


[21] Loutfy H. Madkour, I. H. Elshamy. Experimental and computational studies on

the inhibition performances of benzimidazole and its derivatives for the corrosion of

copper in nitric acid. International Journal of Industrial Chemistry (IJIC), Volume

7, Number 2 (2016) 7, 195221.


[22] Savaş Kaya, Cemal Kaya, Lei Guo, Fatma Kandemirli, Burak Tü zü n, İlkay

Uğ urlu, Loutfy H. Madkour, Murat Saraç oğ lu. Quantum chemical and molecular

dynamics simulation studies on inhibition performances of some thiazole and

thiadiazole derivatives against corrosion of iron. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 219,

(2016), 497504.


[23] Loutfy H. Madkour, S. K. Elroby. Inhibitive properties, thermodynamic,

kinetics and quantum chemical calculations of polydentate Schiff base compounds

as corrosion inhibitors for iron in acidic and alkaline media. International Journal of

Industrial Chemistry (IJIC), Volume 6, Number 3 (2015) 6: 165184.


[24] Loutfy H. Madkour. Electro-Thermal and Semiconductivity Behaviour of

Natural Sintered Complex Carbonate Ore for Thermo-Technological Applications.

Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Journal of Geochemistry Volume (2014),

Article ID 451782, 10 pages.

[25] Loutfy H. Madkour, S. K. Elroby. Correlation between corrosion inhibitive

effect and quantum molecular structure of Schiff bases for iron in acidic and

alkaline media. Standard Scienti c Research and Essays, Vol 2(13): 680704,

December Special Issue (2014) (ISSN: 2310-7502).


xxxiv About the Author

[26] Loutfy H. Madkour, U. A. Zinhome. Inhibition, kinetic and thermodynamic

effects of new Azo derivatives on iron corrosion in acidic and alkaline solutions.

Standard Scienti c Research and Essays, Vol 2(13): 705 724, December Special

Issue (2014) (ISSN: 2310-7502).


[27] Loutfy H. Madkour. Electro-Thermal and Semiconductivity Behaviour of

Natural Sintered Complex Carbonate Ore for Thermo-Technological Applications.

International Research Journal of Geology and Mining (IRJGM) (2276-6618), Vol.

4(1) pp. 37 50, January (2014).

Copyright © (2014) International Research Journals.



[28] Loutfy H. Madkour, S. K. Elroby. Aminic nitrogen- bearing polydentate Schiff

base compounds as corrosion inhibitors for iron in acidic and alkaline media: A

combined experimental and DFT studies. Journal of Corrosion Science and

Engineering, Volume 17, (2014).


[29] Loutfy H. Madkour, U. A. Zinhome. Adsorption and corrosion inhibitive

properties, thermodynamic and quantum chemical studies of Polydentate Schiff

base Compounds (PSCs) on iron electrode in acidic and alkaline media. Merit

Research Journal of Engineering, Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 1(1) pp. 0127,

October (2013).

[30] Loutfy H. Madkour, U. A. Zinhome. Kinetic-thermodynamic studies of sub-

stituted mono- and bis- azo dyes as corrosion inhibitors for iron in nitric acid and

sodium hydroxide solutions. Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering,

Volume 15, (2012).


Recent Published Books by Author

[1] Book Title: Practical and Applied Chemistry

Published By: The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, Kuwait,

rst edition (1993), 5 Chapters, and 565 large size pages.

About the Author xxxv

[2] Book Title: Corrosion Science: Theoretical and Practical Applications

Pub Date: December (2017)

Hard ISBN: 9781771886024

By (authors): Savaş Kaya, Ime Bassey Obot, Ph.D., and Loutfy H. Madkour, Ph.D.

Published by: Apple Academic Press Inc. is an independent international publisher

focusing on academic and professional books in STEM and other elds. With a

focus on relevant content as well as rst-class production, Apple Academic Press is

dedicated to publishing cutting-edge, informative books written and edited by

internationally renowned experts in their elds.


[3] Book Title: Toxic Effects of Environmental Heavy Metals on Cardiovascular

Pathophysiology and Heart Health Function: Chelation Therapeutics

By (author): Loutfy H. Madkour

Published by: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (2018-10-15)

Book Details:

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing


ISBN-13: 978-613-9-92290-1

ISBN-10: 6139922909

EAN: 9786139922901

Book language: English

Published on: 2018-10-15

Keywords: Heavy metals, Cardiovascular Disease, oxidative stress, ROS, EDTA,

Curcumin chelation.


[4] Book Title: Nanoelectronic Materials

Book Subtitle: Fundamentals and Applications

By (author): Loutfy H. Madkour

Series Title: Advanced Structured Materials

Series Volume: 116

Copyright: 2019

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

Copyright Holder: Springer Nature Switzerland AG

eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-21621-4

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-21621-4

Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-030-21620-7

Series ISSN: 1869-8433

xxxvi About the Author

Edition Number: 1

Number of Pages: XLIII, 777

Number of Illustrations: 122 b/w illustrations, 494 illustrations in colour

Topics: Nanotechnology

[5] Book Title: Nucleic Acids as Gene Anticancer Drug Delivery Therapy

By (author): Loutfy H. Madkour

ISBN: 9780128197776

Publishing house: ELS USA (Elsevier Inc-US) (2020) (in press).

[6] Book Title: Heavy Metals and Nanoparticles Induced Reactive Oxygen Species

(ROS): Antioxidants Defenses Therapy

By (author): Loutfy H. Madkour

Publishing house: ELS USA (Elsevier Inc-US) (2020) (under publication).

About the Author xxxvii


0-D Zero-dimensional (quantum dot: all dimensions at the nanoscale)

1-D One-dimensional (e.g. surface lms, nanowire, nanotube: two

dimensions at the nanoscale and one dimension at the macroscale)

2-D Two-dimensional (e.g. strands or bers, thin lms, few layer: one

dimension at the nanoscale and two dimensions at the macroscale)

2D TMDCs Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides

3-D Three-dimensional space (e.g. Particles: No dimensions at the

nanoscale, all dimensions at the macroscale)

AES Auger electron spectroscopy

AFM Atomic force microscopy

AI Arti cial Intelligence

ALD Atomic layer deposition

AMBIO Advanced Nanostructured Surfaces for the Control of Biofouling

ANNs Arti cial neural networks

ANTT Active nanotube transistor

a-Si Amorphous silicon

ATP Adenosine triphosphate

AuNPs Gold nanoparticles

BET Brunauer EmmettTeller

BHJ Bulk heterojunction


60 and



Fullerene with the diameter of 7.114 and 7.648 nm



or C


Endohedral fullerenes (larger fullerenes)

CBE Chemical beam epitaxy

CBM Conduction band minimum



Electron speci c heat

CFL Compact uorescent lamp

CHEM-FET Chemical eld effect transistor

CIGS Copper indium gallium (di) selenide

CMOS Complementary metal oxide semiconductor

CNT Carbon nanotubes




Phonon speci c heat

CP NWs Conducting polymer nanowires

CRT Cathode ray tube

CS Coconut shell

CSD Cell-surface display

CVD Chemical vapor deposition

DC Direct Current

DCR Dark count rate

DDU Density gradient ultracentrifugation

DFT Density functional theory

DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid

DOS density of states

DPN Dip-pen nanolithography

DRIE Deep reactive-ion etching

DRS UV/vis-diffuse re ectance spectrometer

DS Dodecyl sulfate

DWNTs Double-walled carbon nanotubes

EBID Electron beam induced deposition

ECAP Equal-channel angular pressing

ECMs Extracellular matrices

EDAX Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy

EDL Electric double layer

EDX Energy dispersive X-ray

EELS Electron energy loss spectroscopy

EFM Electrostatic force microscopy

EMC Ensemble Monte Carlo model

EN Engineered nanomaterials

ENA Electrochemical noise analysis

ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

EOT Equivalent oxide thickness

EQE External quantum ef ciency

ETE Energy transfer efciency

FAS Field assisted sintering

FEL Free Electron Laser











FCWLEDs Flip-chip white light-emitting diodes

FEDs Field Emission Displays

FET Field-effect transistors

FIB Focused ion beam

FQM Fluorescence Quenching Microscopy

FRET Fluorescence resonance energy transfer

FWHM Full width at half maximum

GaAs Gallium arsenide

GBs Grain boundaries

xl Abbreviations

GCP Gas Condensation Processing

GO Graphene oxide

GPa Gigapascals

H Hexagonal

HAGO Hydrogenation assisted graphene origami

hBN Hexagonal boron nitride

HDTVs High de nition televisions

HGNPs Hollow gold NPs

HIP High isostatically pressing

HJBT Heterojunction bipolar transistors

HK High-k materials

HOMO Highest occupied molecular orbital

HOPG Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite

HRS High resistance state

HRTEM High resolution transmission electron microscopy

HS Humic substances

HSZ High silica zeolites

HWCVD Hot Wire lament chemical vapor deposition

IC Integrated circuit level

ICMA International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation

ICP Inductively coupled plasmaoptical emission spectrometry

IEA International Energy Agency

IGC Inert gas condensation

IM Irresistible Materials Ltd.

IQE Internal quantum efciency

IR Infrared



Return current

ISFET Ion-selective eld effect transistor

ITO Indium tin oxide

jThermal conductivity

L Channel length (L ) of the transistor

LCD Liquid-crystal displays

LDL Low density lipoprotein

LEDs Light-emitting diodes

LEED Low energy electron diffraction



Lithographic limit

LOT Lateral olfactory tract

LPCVD Performed at low pressure chemical vapor deposition



Physical limit

LPNE Lithographically patterned nanowire electrodeposition

LRS Low resistance state

LSPR Localized Surface Plasmon resonance

LSZ Low-silica zeolite

LUMO Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital

MA Mechanical attrition

Abbreviations xli

MBE Molecular beam epitaxy

µc-Si Microcrystalline silicon

MD Molecular Dynamic Simulations

MEAs Metal electrodes and arrays

MEMS Microelectronic-mechanical systems

mfp Mean free paths

MFCs Mass ow controllers

Mg-Ni Magnesium-nickel

MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MNPs Magnetic nanoparticles

MOCVD Metal-organic chemical vapor deposition

MODFET Modulation-doped eld effect transistor

MOEMS Micro-optoelectronic- mechanical systems

MOFs Metal organic frameworks

MOMBE Metallorganic molecular beam epitaxy



Molybdenum disulde



Molybdenum diselenide

MOSFET Metal-oxide semiconductor eld-effect transistor

MPs Microparticles

MQWs Multiple quantum wells

MRI Magnetic resonance imaging

MSM-UPDs Metal-semiconductor-metal ultraviolet photo detectors

MVs Mono-vacancies

MWCNTs Multi-walled carbon nanotubes

MWNTs Multiwalled nanotubes

NanoES Nanoelectronic scaffolds

NBs Nanobelts

Nc Nanocrystalline materials

NCMs Nanocomposites

NEGF Nonequilibrium Green' s function

NEMS Nanoelectromechanical system

nm Nanometer

NMs Nanomaterials

NNI National Nanotechnology Initiative


NPs Nanoparticles

NS-SC Nanostructured semiconducting

NSs Nanostructures

NSMs Nanostructured materials

NT Nanotechnology

NTs Nanotubes

NVM Nonvolatile memory

NWs Nanowires

NW-FET Nanowire-based eld-effect transistor

NW-TFT Nanowire-based thin- lm transistor

xlii Abbreviations

OFETs Organic eld-effect transistors

OLED Organic light emitting diodes

OPVs Organic photovoltaic devices

PANA Polymerizing anthranilic acid

PANA-Fe Polyanthranilic acid iron Nano composite

PANA-Mg Polyanthranilic acid-magnesium Nanocomposite

PANA-Zn Polyanthranilic acid-Zinc Nano composite

PAW Projector augmented wave

PC Phosphatide-choline vesicles

PCA Principal component analysis

PCE Power conversion efciency

PCBM Phenyl C61-butyric acid methyl ester

PEC Photo electrochemical

PECS Pulsed electric current sintering

PECVD Plasma-Enhanced chemical vapor deposition

PEG Polyethylene glycol

PEN Poly (ethylene naphthalate)

PEO Polyethylene oxide

PET Poly (ethylene terephthalate)

PD Phage display

PGM Platinum group metals

PL Photoluminescence

PLA Polylactic acid

PMMA Poly(methyl methacrylate)

pMOSFET p-type metal-oxide semiconductor eld-effect transistor

PMTs Photomultipliers

Pn Pico Newton's

PNCA Plasma Nanoscience Center Australia

PNP polymer nanoparticle

PNRSNSPD photon-number-resolving superconducting nanowire single-photon


POM Polarized optical microscopy

PSA Prostate speci c antigen

PSPR Propagating Surface Plasmon resonance

P( t ) Timedependent power of radiation

PV Photovoltaic

PVD Physical vapor deposition

PZT Lead zirconium titania

QDs Quantum dots

QKD Quantum key distribution

R Rhombohedral

RBAI Root bark extract of Azadirachta indica

RES Reticulum endothelial system

RET Resonant energy transfer

RF Radio-Frequency

Abbreviations xliii

RHEED Re ection high-energy electron diffraction

RNA Ribonucleic acid

Rpo The coating resistance

RRAM Resistive random access memory



Sheet resistance

RTA Rapid thermal annealing

RTN Random telegraph noise

SAED Selected area electron diffraction

SAXS Small-angle X-ray scattering

SBU Secondary builing units

SDA Structure-directing agent

SEI Solid electrolyte interface

SEM Scanning Electron Microscope analysis

SET Single-Electron Transistor

SHG Second harmonic generation

SHIBL Scanning He


ion beam lithography

SI International System of units

SiC Silicon carbide

SiGe Silicon-germanium





Silicon nitride

SiNWs Silicon nanowires

SiONWs Silica nanowires

SKPM Scanning Kelvin probe microscopy

SLS Solid-Liquid-Solid

SNAP Superconducting nanowire avalanche photodetector

S/N Signal-to-noise ratio



Tin dioxide

SNOM Scanning near- eld optical microscopy

SNSPD Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector

SPAD Single photon avalanche photodiodes

SPD Single-photon detector

SPF Sun protection factor

SPM Electrical scanning probe microscopy techniques

SPR Surface Plasmon resonance

SPS Spark plasma sintering

SPW Surface Plasmon wave

SRAM Static random access memory

SSDs Self-switching diodes

SSPD Superconducting single-photon detector

STEM Scanning transmission electron microscopy

SSM Simulation of styrene molecules

STM Scanning tunneling microscopy

STS Scanning tunneling spectroscopy

SWCNTs Single-walled carbon nanotubes

SWNTs Single-walled carbon nanotubes

xliv Abbreviations

T Tetragonal

sRecovery time



Substrate temperature

TCO Transparent conductive oxide

TCSPC Time-correlated single-photon counting

TDDFT Time dependent DFT



Electron subsystem\



Phonon escape time

TEM Transmission electron microscopy

TEOS Tetraethyl orthosilicate

TERS Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

TFBGs Tilted ber Bragg gratings

TFTs Thin lm transistors

THG Third harmonic generation



Titanium dioxide

TMDs Transition metal dichalcogenides

TMD-NDs Transition-metal dichalcogenide nanodots

TNT Tri-nitro toluene



Phonon subsystem

TPR Transient photoimpedence response

UFM Ultrasonic force microscopy

UHV Ultrahigh vacuum

ULCI Ultra-large integrated circuits

UV Ultraviolet

UV Vis Ultravioletvisible

VASP Vienna ab initio simulation package

VBM VALENCE band maximum

VDS Drain-source voltage

vdW Van der Waals

VLS Vapor liquidsolid

VS Vapor-Solid

VSS Vapor-solid-solid

WLEDs White light-emitting diodes



Tungsten oxide



Tungsten disulde



Tungsten diselenide

XPS X ray photoelectron spectroscopy

XRD X ray diffraction

ZnO Zinc oxide

Abbreviations xlv

... Definition Nanotechnology is the production, characterisation and application of extremely small particles, termed 'nanoparticles' (NPs), between 1 and 100 nm at least in one dimension (Madkour 2019). As the size decrease, there is a significant increase in the surface area to volume ratio, which makes NPs highly reactive with novel and unique properties (e.g. ...

... As the size decrease, there is a significant increase in the surface area to volume ratio, which makes NPs highly reactive with novel and unique properties (e.g. quantum confinement) that differ from their macroscopic bulk counterparts and atomic or molecular structures (Duhan et al. 2017;Madkour 2019). It has been documented that nanotechnology has a wide spectrum of applications and plays an increasing role in innovations in energy, materials, infrastructure, transportation, food production, medicine, electronics and the environment. ...

Environmental contextNano-enabled agriculture holds the promise of enhancing crop production while reducing the environmental impacts of agrochemicals. We review recent developments in the use of nano-fertilisers, nano-additives, nano-pesticides, nano-sensors, nano-cleansers and nano-delivery systems in agriculture. The review highlights the need for systematic studies on nanotoxicity and the development of cost-effective and eco-friendly nanomaterials for future applications. AbstractTo keep pace with the ever-increasing demand of world population (nearly 9.8 billion), worldwide food production will need to increase by 50% by 2050. Nanotechnology innovations show great promise for combating this challenge by delivering a more sustainable, efficient and resilient agricultural system, while promoting food security. Further exploration of nanotechnology applications in agriculture is necessary to realise its potential in manufacturing innovative agrochemicals and novel delivery platforms to enhance crop production and quality. Here, we review the fundamentals of nanotechnology and focus on its potential in agricultural applications. Progress has been made in the development of nano-fertilisers, nano-additives, nano-pesticides, nano-herbicides, nano-bactericides, nano-cleansers and nano-sensors to improve agrochemical efficiency, reduce runoff, enhance plant growth, and diagnose plant nutrition deficiencies and diseases. In addition, nano-delivery systems have been designed to deliver effective components to targeted sites within a plant to provide potential solutions to some devastating crop diseases which cannot be effectively managed with conventional methods. However, nano-enabled agriculture is still in its infancy and its applications are mostly theoretical. Therefore, more research is needed to develop biodegradable, cost-effective and safe nanomaterials for future application. Moreover, systematic studies are crucial to safeguard our food production system, while making efforts to raise public awareness of nanotechnology.

... Currently, different metallic and non-metallic nanoparticles have been synthesized using silver, zinc, copper, cadmium, magnesium, gold, and alginate. Nanoparticles are used for various purposes such as chemical surface processes, environmental pollution monitoring, smart materials, nanoscale biostructures, energy capture and storage, and biomedical fields (Madkour, 2019). They also have applications as nanofertilizers as they can support crop mineral nutrition and fortification. ...

Salinity is one of the major causes of abiotic stress that leads to a reduction in crop yield. One strategy to alleviate and improve crop yield is to use halophytes. These types of plants naturally produce bioactive secondary metabolites, proteins, carbohydrates, and biopolymers that are involved in specialized physiological adaptation mechanisms to alleviate soil salinity. These traits could be leveraged and in turn be the focus of future breeding programs aimed to improve salinity resistance in traditional crops. Recently, the field of nanotechnology has gained the attention of researchers involved in agricultural science and associated disciplines. However, information on salinity tolerance mechanisms of halophytes, based on nanoparticles in agricultural crop plants is limited. Recently, the use of selected halophytic-based nanoparticles has shown to improve crop performance by enhancing the plants ion-flux, improving water efficiency, root hydraulic movement in the favor of plant photosynthesis, the production of proteins involved in oxidation-reduction reactions, reactive oxygen species (ROS) detoxification and hormonal signaling pathways under stress. Therefore, the aim of this review is to highlight the application of halophytic nanoparticles in alleviating salt stress in plants by understanding the mechanisms of plant growth, water relation, ion flux, photosynthesis and the antioxidant defense system. This review also addresses uncertainties, ecotoxicological concerns and associated drawbacks of nanoparticles on the environment. Future research perspectives with respect to the sustainable usage of nanoparticles in saline agriculture has also been presented.

... Later, in 1986, Eric Drexler's book, "The Engine of Creation; The beginning of the era of nanotechnology" verbalized the nanotechnology conception in the field of molecular technology (Chen and Liang, 2018). The simplest definition for nanotechnology is the synthesis of materials at the atomic, molecular, and supermolecular levels or more aptly the application of nanomaterials (NMs) with the dimensions of 1-100 nm in various fields of basic and industrial sciences (Madkour, 2019); NMs secured by different methods have unique properties in the field of quantum physics compared to mass materials (Burkard, 2019;Jaeger, 2018). In view of their high surface-to-volume ratio and enhanced optical activities relative to their mass state, NPs have catalytic, biological, thermal conductivity, and electrical applications and they find diverse usage in health, food, aerospace and agriculture (Cao et al., 2020). ...

  • Mehran Alavi
  • Rajender S Varma Rajender S Varma

Overcoming multidrug resistance mechanisms is an intricate issue to fight against pathogenic bacterial and cancer cells wherein smart application of metal nanoparticles (MNPs: Ag, Au, Cu, Pt, and Pd NPs), metal oxide NPs (MONPs: CuO, Cu2O, ZnO, TiO2 and Fe3O4 NPs), and metal nanocomposites (MNCs) can be an alluring option compared to the conventional drugs. However, the production and processing of these nanomaterials in relatively safer forms is critical to secure competent therapeutic results. Phytosynthesis and modification using various plant sources are garnering attention in view of the abundance of resources, eco-friendly nature, biodegradability, and biocompatibility in comparison to the conventional chemical and physical methods. Herein, this review discourses recent progress and the future potentials of these greener methods.

... Metal NPs are purely made of the metal precursors (Madkour & Loutfy, 2019). NPs possess remarkable properties owing to their small size, and large surface area to volume ratio as compared to their bulk equivalents (Sang & Bong, 2019). ...

The balance between economic development and environmental damage is also evident in the problem of pollution and waste management. Increased economic activity, mainly in industrial countries, has seen a rise in pollution generated from waste including sewage, trash, and litter. Particularly, the textile industry produces a significant amount of liquid effluent pollutants due to the vast amounts of water used in fabric processing. Dyes are a major class of synthetic organic compounds used in many industries (textile, pharmaceutical, rubber, etc.). Nearly 50,000 tons of dyes are discharged into the environment annually. This has resulted in significant water pollution worldwide. The reduction of these dye compounds from industrial wastewater has been achieved using chemical, physical, and biological methods. However, these approaches are time-consuming, costly, and pose disposal problems. Currently, photocatalytic degradation by nanoparticles is attracting significant attention. In photocatalytic degradation, the pollutants are degraded under UV-visible light irradiation in the presence of catalysts. Compared to the conventional methods, this technique is inexpensive and does not form any polycyclic products. In this review, we focus on different green-synthesized NPs such as Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, ZnO, CuO, α-Fe2O3, TiO2, CeO2, SnO2, and NiO together with and their applications in photocatalytic activities. • Highlights • The review focuses on the green synthesis of metal/ metal oxide nanoparticles • Green synthesized metal/metal oxide photocatalysts is comprehensively reviewed • Factors affecting the photo-catalytic degradation of dyes also discussed • Classification of dyes and photocatalytic mechanism of metal/ metal oxide nanoparticles was highlighted

  • Loutfy H. Madkour Loutfy H. Madkour

The RNA interference (RNAi) technique is a new modality for cancer therapy, and several candidates are being tested clinically. Nanotheranostics is a rapidly growing field combining disease diagnosis and therapy, which ultimately may add in the development of 'personalized medicine'. Technologies on theranostic nanomedicines has been discussed. We designed and developed bioresponsive and fluorescent hyaluronic acid-iodixanol nanogels (HAI-NGs) for targeted X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging and chemotherapy of MCF-7 human breast tumors. HAI-NGs were obtained with a small size of ca. 90 nm, bright green fluorescence and high serum stability from hyaluronic acid-cystamine-tetrazole and reductively degradable polyiodixanol-methacrylate via nanoprecipitation and a photo-click crosslinking reaction. This chapter presents an over view of the current status of translating the RNAi cancer therapeutics in the clinic, a brief description of the biological barriers in drug delivery, and the roles of imaging in aspects of administration route, systemic circulation, and cellular barriers for the clinical translation of RNAi cancer therapeutics, and with partial content for discussing the safety concerns. Finally, we focus on imaging-guided delivery of RNAi therapeutics in preclinical development, including the basic principles of different imaging modalities, and their advantages and limitations for biological imaging. With growing number of RNAi therapeutics entering the clinic, various imaging methods will play an important role in facilitating the translation of RNAi cancer therapeutics from bench to bedside.

Accidental or open waste burning and incineration of nano-enabled products (NEPs) might lead to the release of incidental aerosols in the nano size range into the environment resulting in harmful effects on humans. We have investigated combustion-generated aerosol release during accidental burning for several real-life NEPs such as paints with silica (SiO2) and spruce wood panels containing SiO2 and Fe2O3 nanomaterials (NMs), paper with SiO2 and Fe2O3 NMs and polymeric composites with CuPhthtalocyanine NMs in poly lactic acid (PLA), polyamide 6 (PA6) and thermoplastic pol-urethane (TPU) matrices. Chemical compositions, aerosols number emission factors (nefs) and concentrations of the signature elements of the NMs of the combustion-generated aerosols were investigated. In addition, the residual ash was analyzed. The outcomes of this study shed light on how NM and matrix types influenced the properties of the released aerosols. Based on our results it was established that the combustion-generated aerosols were composed of transformed NMs with modified physical-chemical characteristics compared to the pristine NMs. In addition to aerosols with transformed NMs, there were also particles due to incomplete combustion of the matrix. Types of the pristine NMs and matrices affected the characteristics of the released aerosols. Since the effect of the aerosols is related to the inhaled aerosol number concentration, the nef is an important parameter. Our results showed that the nefs in the size range of 5.6 to 560 nm depended strongly on the type of combusted NEP, which indicated that the NEPs could be categorized according to their potential to release aerosols in this size range when they were burnt. The generated release data facilitate the assessment of human and environmental exposure and the associated risk assessment of combustion-generated aerosols from NEPs.

Accidental or open waste burning and incineration of nano-enabled products (NEPs) might lead to the release of incidental nanomaterials (NMs) into the environment resulting in harmful effects on humans. We have investigated combustion-generated NM release during accidental burning for several real-life NEPs such as paints with silica (SiO2) and spruce wood panels containing SiO2 and Fe2O3 NMs, paper with SiO2 and Fe2O3 NMs and polymeric composites with CuPhthtalocyanine NMs in poly lactic acid (PLA), polyamide 6 (PA6) and thermoplastic pol-urethane (TPU) matrices. Chemical compositions, aerosols number emission factors (nefs) and concentrations of the signature elements of the NMs of the combustion-generated aerosols were investigated. In addition, the residual ash was analyzed. The outcomes of this study shed light on how NM and matrix types influenced the properties of the released aerosols. Based on our results it was established that the combustion-generated aerosols were composed of transformed NMs with modified physical-chemical characteristics compared to the pristine NMs. In addition to the transformed NMs, there were also particles due to incomplete combustion of the matrix. Types of the pristine NMs and matrices affected the characteristics of the released aerosols. Since the hazard of the aerosols is related to the inhaled aerosol number concentration, the nef is an important parameter. Our results showed that the nefs in the size range of 5.6 to 560 nm depended strongly on the type of combusted NEP, which indicated that the NEPs could be categorized according to their potential to release aerosols in this size range when they were burnt. The generated release data facilitate the assessment of human and environmental exposure and the associated risk assessment of combustion-generated aerosols from NEPs.

  • Loutfy H. Madkour Loutfy H. Madkour

With the increase in the world population and the demand for food, new agricultural practices have been developed to improve food production using more effective pesticides and fertilizers. These technologies can lead to an uncontrolled release of undesired substances into the environment, with the potential to contaminate soil and groundwater. Today, nanotechnology represents a promising approach to improve agricultural production and remediate polluted sites. Fertilizer particles can be coated with nanomembranes that facilitate slow and steady release of nutrients. Coating and cementing of nano- and subnanocomposites can regulate the release of nutrients from the fertilizer capsule. This chapter discusses some applications of engineered NPs and nanotechnology in the agricultural production chain and nanoselenium and its nanomedicine applications. The fate of the advantages and possible toxicity risks of nanomaterials once introduced in water and soil are also discussed. The potential for the application of nanotechnologies is enormous, and much is still to be discovered. Given this, we need to study and understand the behavior of these new materials. We also need to direct research in such a way as to help us make better choices and to promote less costly nanomaterial production and application procedures.

  • Loutfy H. Madkour Loutfy H. Madkour

Nanoelectronics is certainly among the most vibrant research fields, which is highly pushed by technology industries. The numerical calculation of the electronic properties and in particular the quantum transport properties of devices at the nanoscale is considered. Principles of computational simulations devices and characterization of nanoelectronic materials are discussed. This book has been concerned with the size effects and going from bulk materials to nanomaterials, electronic properties of nanoscale devices, different classes of nanomaterials from microelectronics to nanoelectronics into molecular electronics. The electronic characteristics such as thermal, chemical and mechanical stability of nanomaterials are investigated. Characterization, fabrication techniques from lab-scale to mass-production and functionality of nanomaterials by chemical or defect engineering has been studied.

Steel is an important material and has been widely used in today's industrial production. Using organic corrosion inhibitors is an effective means to prevent steel from corrosion. Generally, the molecular structures of inhibitors can have a major impact on their corrosion inhibition efficiency. In this work, the influence of alkyl chain length of three alkyltriazoles on the corrosion inhibition of iron has been investigated by density functional based tight binding (DFTB) approach. Several typical descriptors such as frontier molecular orbital, adsorption energy, density of states have been discussed in detail. Our findings will contribute to the understanding of the inhibition mechanism and the designing of novel corrosion inhibitors.

  • Li Feng
  • Shengtao Zhang
  • Yujie Qiang Yujie Qiang
  • Shijin Chen

The anticorrosion effect of thiazolyl blue (MTT) for copper in 3% NaCl at 298 K was researched by electrochemical methods, scanning electron-microscopy (SEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results reveal that MTT can protect copper efficiently, with a maximum efficiency of 95.7%. The corrosion inhibition mechanism was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectral (FT-IR), and theoretical calculation. The results suggest that the MTT molecules are adsorbed on metal surface forming a hydrophobic protective film to prevent copper corrosion. It also indicates that the MTT and copper form covalent bonds. The molecular dynamic simulation further gives the evidence for adsorption. The adsorption isotherm studies demonstrate that a spontaneous, mixed physical and chemical adsorption occurs, which obeys Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The present research can help us better understand the corrosion inhibition process and improve it.

Sulfuric acid is widely used in several industrial fields, such as acid pickling, acid cleaning and acid descaling, which cause serious corrosion issues. Especially, copper being widely applied in industrial is vulnerable to be corroded by the acid. The usage of corrosion inhibitor is one of the most important techniques for controlling the corrosion. Several organic inhibitors containing hetero-atom, π-electrons and double bond have been applied for the corrosion inhibition of copper, which are found to exhibit high inhibiting properties by providing electrons to interact with metal surface. However, the use of several heterocyclic inhibitors has caused negative impact on the environment due to their toxicity and non-biodegradability. In this paper, pyrazolo-pyrimidine derivatives are found to attract great attention owing to their eco-friendly properties. Corrosion inhibited properties of three pyrazolo-pyrimidine derivatives namely 4-amino pyrazolo-pyrimidine (APP), 3-bromine 4-amino pyrazolo-pyrimidine (Br-APP) and 3-iodine 4-amino pyrazolo-pyrimidine (I-APP) on copper in 0.5 M H 2 SO 4 solution were studied using electrochemical method and surface analysis techniques. Corrosion of copper has been largely inhibited by the inhibitors and the inhibited efficiency increase with the augment of concentration. The adsorption isotherms were simulated to explore the adsorption mode of inhibitors. Furthermore, theoretical calculations were applied to research the mechanism of inhibitors on copper.

  • Loutfy H. Madkour Loutfy H. Madkour

Nanoparticles can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) following the opening of endothelium tight junctions by hyper-osmotic man-nitol, which may provide sustained delivery of therapeutic agents for difficult-to-treat diseases like brain tumors [1]. Tween 80-coated nanoparticles have been shown to cross the BBB as well [2]. Submicron nanoparticles, but not larger microparticles, are taken up by the majority of cell types [3]. Indeed, 100 nm nanoparticles had a 2.5-fold greater uptake rate than 1 μm microparticles, and a 6-fold greater uptake than 10 μm microparticles by Caco-2 cells [4]. In a similar study, nanoparticles are shown to penetrate throughout the sub muco-sal layers of a rat intestinal loop model, while microparticles were predominantly localized in the epithelial lining [5]. This indicates that particle distribution can, in part at least, be tuned by controlling particle size. Various methods can be used to study the release of drug from the nanoparticle: (1) side-by-side diffusion cells with artificial or biological membranes; (2) dialysis bag diffusion; (3) reverse dialysis bag diffusion; (4) agitation followed by ultracentrifugation/centrifu-gation; or (5) ultra-filtration. Usually the release study is carried out by controlled agitation followed by centrifugation. Due to the time-consuming nature and technical difficulties encountered in the separation of nanoparticles from release media, the dialysis technique is generally preferred. However, these methods prove difficult to replicate and scale-up for industrial use. Cancer is a difficult disease to treat due to its heterogeneous disease manifestation as well as pathogenic path ways. This necessitates tailored and sophisticated therapeutic modalities for effective treatment. Polymer-based chemotherapeutic drug or anti-cancer gene delivery systems have been extensively studied and have the potential to offer many advantages. In particular, polymeric nano-particles are able to effectively load drugs and/or package genes in order to increase cargo solubility, enhance cargo efficacy compared with free cargo, and prolong the circulation half-life. Drug delivery in cancer is important for optimizing the effect of drugs and reducing toxic side effects. Several nanotechnologies, mostly based on nanoparticles, can facilitate drug delivery to tumors. Drug delivery systems based on polymeric nanoparticles have emerged as one of the most promising carriers for targeted and controlled delivery of cancer therapeutics in recent years. .Ideal characteristics of nanoparticles include a high drug loading capacity, safe delivery of drug to specific pathological tissues without premature drug leakage and efficient drug unloading at the site of action. Stimuli-sensitive drug delivery systems, also known as "smart" drug delivery systems,

The anticorrosion performance of three pyrazolo-pyrimidine derivatives, namely, 4-amino pyrazolo-pyrimidine (APP), 4-hydroxy pyrazolo-pyrimidine (HPP), and 4-mercapto pyrazolo-pyrimidine (MPP) on copper in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution have been investigated using electrochemical, surface analysis, as well as theoretical techniques. The results indicate that these inhibitors have largely inhibited the corrosion of copper and the inhibition efficiency increased with increasing concentration. Moreover, the inhibitors adsorb on copper surface following Langmuir adsorption isotherm. XPS analysis were performed for describing the bonding characteristics between inhibitors and copper substrate. Furthermore, DFT and molecular dynamics simulation calculations were applied to further explain the anti-corrosion mechanism.

The corrosion behavior of multiple-layer carbon coating that contained hydrogen, fluorine and silicon, possessed dual amorphous structure with sutured interfaces was investigated using potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedances (ETS) in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. The coating exhibited good resistance to corrosion in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution due to its amorphous and dense structures.

The adsorption behavior and inhibition mechanism of five synthesized bis-azo dye (BAD) derivatives on the corrosion of iron in aerated HNO3 and NaOH were investigated by performing potentiostatic polarization, weight loss (WL), thermometric and UV–visible spectra measurements. DFT calculations is applied to study the correlation between corrosion inhibition and global reactivity descriptors such as: EHOMO, ELUMO, molecular gap (ΔE), the dipole moment (μ), the global hardness (η), softness(S), electronegativity (χ), proton affinity (PA), electrophilicity (ω), nucleophilicity (ɛ), electrons transferred from inhibitors to metal surface (ΔN), initial molecule-metal interaction energy (Δψ), total electronic energy (E) and the energy change during electronic back-donation process (ΔE b-d). To mimic the real environment of corrosion inhibition, molecular dynamic (MD) simulations in aqueous phase have also been modelled consisting of all concerned species (inhibitor molecule, H2O, H3O⁺ ion, NO3⁻ ion, OH⁻ and Fe surface). The results confirmed that BAD molecules inhibit iron by adsorption behavior through donating and accepting electrons together with the formation of [Fe (II) and Fe (III)—BAD] chelate complex compounds. BAD's behavior is mainly chemisorption with some physisorption obeyed Frumkin and that of El-Awady adsorption isotherm. Kinetic parameters such as: (Kb, 1/y, Kads, f, ΔG°ads) have been determined and discussed. Binding energies of BAD molecules on Fe (110) surface followed the order: BAD_ 2 > BAD_ 1 > BAD_ 3 > BAD_ 4 > BAD_ 5. Theoretical results were found to be consistent with the experimental data reported. Our results provide important atomic/molecular insights into the anticorrosive mechanism of inhibitor molecules, which could help in understanding the organic-metal interface and designing more appropriate organic corrosion inhibitors.

  • Loutfy H. Madkour Loutfy H. Madkour

Biomolecules of live plants, plant extracts and microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, seaweeds, actinomycetes, algae and microalgae can be used to reduce metal ions to nanoparticles. Biosynthesized nanoparticle effectively controlled oxidative stress, genotoxicity and apoptosis related changes. Green biosynthesized NPs is alternative methods, which is hydrophilic, biocompatible, non-toxic, and used for coating many metal NPs with interesting morphologies and varied sizes. The reducing agents involved include various water-soluble plant metabolites (e.g. alkaloids, phenolic compounds, terpenoids, flavonoids, saponins, steroids, tannins and other nutritional compounds) and co-enzymes. The polysaccharides, proteins and lipids present in the algal membranes act as capping agents and thus limit using of non-biodegradable commercial surfactants. Metallic NPs viz. cobalt, copper, silver, gold, platinum, zirconium, palladium, iron, cadmium and metal oxides such as titanium oxide, zinc oxide, magnetite, etc. have been the particular focus of biosynthesis. Bio-reduction mechanisms, characterization, commercial, pharmacological and biomedical applications of biosynthesized nanoparticles are reviewed.